Thursday 30 December 2010

Hyper 12 bash... and more repairs!

Well, I got about half an hour of running in before my wishbone bodge failed! Well worth it though as it has been months since I ran one of my RC cars and it was great to get out there again.

Other than the wishbone and any other damage that occurred from the high speed crash that the failure caused I also struggled with another issue. The HSN on the carb has got very loose, something I noticed on my last run. It is now at the point where the vibration of the engine causes it to rotate (richer) to the point where the car won't run properly.

I posted on MS-UK about the problem and the following has been suggested-
1) Replace the o ring (if it has one)
2) PTFE tape the thread
3) Add some thread lock.

I'll pull it apart and see what fix will be most suitable.

Lower wishbone bodge (Hyper 12 Mini ST)

Last time I took the Hyper 12 out I finished up the session with it handling 'a bit odd'. Closer inspection showed a broken lower front wishbone, a common occurrence!
As sods law dictates of all my spares I didn't have the one I needed so after getting a pair of replacements ordered and sulking a bit I decided to have a go at bodging it back together.

When trying to get the old one off I hit my first snag. After multiple collisions with solid object the front hex screw was well and truly mangled!
After a minute or so with the Dremel I managed to cut in a crude slot so that it could be removed with a flat bladed screw driver.
Second problem... a bent hinge pin and again no spare. This time I found a spare length of 3mm steel shaft and simply cut it to the correct length. Quick, simple and about 1/100th of the cost of replacement hinge pins. I certainly won't be buying them from the model shop again! Old and new are shown below. They are the same length believe it or not!
On to the matter in hand, fixing the wishbone.

As the car had been left in this state for several months the plastics had been pulled out of shape and I ended up having to fill the gap with superglue!
Definitely function over form and only a temporary fix at best.

Finally, on my last run the exhaust mount went walkies so a new one of those was required!
 All fixed, it was now time for a run!

Wednesday 29 December 2010

Bagged a couple of bargains!

I plan to mainly concentrate on my two Nitro RC cars (and be adding a few more along the way!) but I couldn't resist these when I spotted them.

It says 8+ on the box so I might just be able to struggle on with them! Not bad at all I thought for £3.75 a pop in the Debenhams sale!

Just cleared out my office/model room!

I've been into RC models for over twenty years now but I would like to get back into the hobby properly (hence this blog!)

First step... sort somewhere to work. The garage is a cold, and even worse leaking, place to work at this time of year. So with a bit of persuasion from SWMBO I got on with sorting out the third bedroom.

Here it is after a bit of a spring clean (excuse the dodgy iPod photo). Still a few bits to do but at least I have somewhere to get started!