Monday 28 February 2011

RS4 Rally Conversion: Build Session 2

Ok so having built the shocks it was time to start the chassis work. The most major part of this is chopping the front off the main chassis plate. So it was off with the front end.
Having only one internet picture to go by it was a bit of guess work exactly where I had to make the cut. I marked a rough line where I thought I should be aiming for...
...and then deployed the dremel...
The front mounting screws are no longer needed as the bumper now mounts onto the plastic kick up skid plate giving a much greater ground clearance and also allowing the car to bounce up and over rough terrain rather than grinding to a halt.

It turned out that I took a couple of mm too much off... oops! Nothing major though and it won't cause any issues with the running of the car.

I still needed to give it a smooth off and attempt to round off the corners.
To say this wasn't my neatest work would be an understatement. Still so far all cock ups have been cosmetic annoyances rather than anything that will effect the running of the car once complete so I won't beat myself up too much... yet!

That was it for tonight. I hit a problem when trying to take apart the front suspension... and by problem I mean I couldn't work out how to get the pins out! They are threaded on one end and just a round plastic cap on the other. Rather than mess up yet another thing tonight I decided to call it a night and get the instruction manual out for another day.

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