Monday 4 April 2011

New Project! TC3 Drifter!

So a while ago I sold up my TT-01D drift car that I butchered for parts. To be honest I abused this car a fair amount by jumping it etc. The main issue I had was that it was a great drifter but as with all good drift cars it was geared really low and had loads of punch but bugger all in the way of speed.

Fast forward a month or so and I went to Modified Live at Snetterton and saw the D1RC drift demonstrations and decided that I wanted a drifter again! BUT I know I will get bored of its lack of speed so what should I do... well make a drifter/touring car hybrid of course!

So what the hell is one of those?! Well... I don't know, I just made it up but here are my plans!

Touring car chassis
Suitable drift body complete with bodyset (exhausts etc.) and LED's
Drift wheels and tyres
Mid range Brushless motor / esc (13t or higher)
Drift Box (Gyro) for holding high speed drifts

ummm.... I think that will do for now!

So for a starter (well I say start, I've already bought my gyro, more on that when it arrives) I need a touring car chassis. I worked out that I would like to do a grand total of seven RC projects before I can say that I'm happy I have all vehicle types covered... and I'm sure some more will pop up along the way. There is no way I can do this with new kits unless I go mega cheap so... should I go cheap or should I go second hand? Well I've never bought a second hand RC car before so it was time to give it a punt!

I hit ebay with the intention of buying the first decent TC chassis from a brand I've heard of for less than £50.

I found a TC3 roller with no bids and a £24.99 starting bid. It was a racer who was selling up, the car looked in good condition, no electrics and no body... perfect! I stuck in a bid and waited the 2 1/2 hours to the end of the auction. No one else put a bid in so I got it for the starting bid plus £9.99 postage... Sweet!

As soon as it arrives I'll asses the condition of it and if all is well get the project underway. If it is no good I'll shift it back on and look for either a new chassis or another used one.

More when it arrives!

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